
Upcoming Amazon outages for feeds and reports

Amazon has recently reported the following outages message to its sellers…

“During the following times, all feeds and report types may be unavailable from both Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) and Seller Central. We expect the outages to last approximately two hours for each region. During this time, all affected operations in the Amazon MWS Feeds API section and Reports API section may throw a 500 error (Internal Server Error). If you receive a 500 error response during this outage, please retry your request after the planned outage has completed. The times for the outages for each region are as follows:

  • China: Monday, January 19, starting at 15:00 UTC
  • Japan: Tuesday, January 20, starting at 15:00 UTC
  • North America: Tuesday, January 27, starting at 05:00 UTC
  • Europe: Tuesday, January 27, starting at 20:00 UTC

Please be aware that during the times of the Amazon outages, your RepricerExpress account may not be able to actively receive notifications or send new prices—all sellers, regardless of their repricing software and other systems, will be affected in the same way.


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